Five Emotional Commitments every Christian can relate to

 It is not enough to just be a Christian, they are emotional connections that say you are as well. 

Five Emotional Commitments every Christian can relate to:

1. Adding Amen when you pass someone praying: 

Of all the things I love about Christianity, the emotional yoking that comes with saying 'Amen' thrills me the most.

The fact that no matter how unrelated you are to a praying brother, the additional Amen you added made you family, you believe in one thing, you were of the same descendants.

I have had to wake up from sleep severally and involuntary join my relatives in their personal prayers. Not that you were being persuaded but your mind would just not be at rest. It is unheard of that a person is praying and you could not add Amen, just Amen.

2. Soberness at the place of worship: 

The lifting of hands lifting, crying, kneeling. As you grow in faith you often realize that it comes naturally to you.

3. Dancing like you are to receive an award:
Pentecostal churches take the part were David danced in the Bible very personal. It is more than a display it is an open show of gratitude. And no matter how stiff you are it is hard to not move your body during praise session.

4. Hailing the preacher when he speaks your mind: 

Like a political rally or poetry performance, there's the snapping of fingers, the hmmm! When the preacher says something that resonates with you. Like a union of faith believers you connect with your neighbour as family. 

5. Holding of hands while sharing the grace:

Most churches have a closing song where they hold hands, hug, shake each other at the close of service. While others do so as they share the grace. No matter how far you strain it is always embedded in your subconscious to not move until they have shared the grace. 

Which of this can you relate to? We'll love to hear from you. 


What is the emotional connections amongst traditional worshippers? 

Focus:  Igbo culture 

The breaking of kola nuts signifies oneness, even when presented amongst quarreling neighbors.

The harvest period comes with the 'big mood vibe', the ìwà jí ( new yam festival). After a long year of toiling and farming the harvest time came with high spirits. There could be no enemy in such an occasion, it was a man's happiest moments of the year. 

Asides this three occasions, birth, marriage and death, this were the major occasions that showcased oneness and commitment amongst the Igbo people. 

Very different from most cultures in Nigeria that give a lot for celebration and events.

How many of the above have you felt emotional yoked with and have witnessed?
What has been your experience in replying Amen and clapping and singing and dancing?

Share with me I want to hear.


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